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World History

The Mystery of History unfolds vibrant
stories of heroes and heroines, victories
and defeats, discovery and invention
around the world through the ages.
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Each lesson illuminates the tapestry of
mankind and helps students identify the
unifying threads which run from era to era—
from the beginning of the world to modern
times, one side of the globe to the other.

Christ-centered world history for all ages

The Mystery of History series provides a historically accurate, Christ-centered approach to world history for all ages. By incorporating hands-on activities along with reading, writing, and research projects, The Mystery of History offers something for all learning styles and supports all methods of education.


Beginning with Creation, The Mystery of History four volume series presents world history in chronological order, covering every corner of the globe.
• Volume I: Creation to the Resurrection (c. 4004 B.C. – c. A.D. 33)
• Volume II: The Early Church and the Middle Ages (c. A.D. 33 – 1456)
• Volume III: The Renaissance, Reformation, and Growth of Nations (1455 –1707)
• Volume IV: Wars of Independence to Modern Times (1708 – 2014)


The Mystery of History is distinctively written from a Christian worldview. Creation-based and standing on the authoritative Word of God, lessons in The Mystery of History are like pieces of a mosaic that reveal a much bigger picture and tell a much larger story. Together, they point toward God’s redemptive plan for mankind through the Gospel of Jesus Christ.


The Mystery of History Student Readers can stand alone for all ages to enjoy. For those who wish to delve deeper, the user-friendly Companion Guides bring lessons to life with multi-age activities, timeline directions, mapping exercises, Memory Card ideas, pretests, quizzes, games, worksheets, tests, film and literature suggestions, and more. It’s easy to use for one student at home, ten in a co-op, or hundreds in a school.

(Please note that the above video is not yet reflective of our new hardcover, full-color, second edition of The Mystery of History Volume II.) If you’d like to order directly from our author, click here

World history is far more than what man has or has not accomplished! From a biblical worldview, history tells us a bigger story, and one that is far grander than man can conceive. His-story is the slow, steady revelation of God to man, and mankind’s mixed response—some bow down to Him, some don’t. But the sovereign plans of the Lord remain the same, as Jesus Christ came ‘to seek and to save that which was lost.’
Luke 19:10